Major Donation to Chapter 431 Building Fund
Cheeseland Chapter EAA 431 has received a major donation to the chapter’s building fund. On December 30, 2013, the board of directors of the Alfred & Lois Kelch Charitable Trust presented Chapter 431 with a check for $71,942 to be used in the effort to design and construct a new building on the Brodhead Airport. The formal announcement was made at the regular member’s meeting on Saturday, January 4, 2014 by Kelch board members Kent McMakin and Bill Liimatainen.

Mike Weeden, president of Cheeseland Chapter EAA 431 (left) accepts check from the Kelch Charitable Trust presented by board member Bill Liimatainen.
The donation is a major boost to the building project, which has been under consideration for several years. The purpose of the new building will be to improve the airport facilities and the chapter’s capabilities for educational and social engagement in aviation. It will feature flexible sized meeting areas, an aircraft and component display area, multi-use restrooms, secure storage and a modern kitchen.
Preliminary plans call for an enclosed area of 70 x 50 feet with an additional outdoor area protected by an overhang. The drawings below illustrate the floorplan and site plan as they exist at this time, but the planning is still in the early stages.
Join us in thanking the Alfred & Lois Kelch Charitable Trust for their generous support of Chapter 431. Visit the Kelch website HERE.