Boy Scouts Earn Aviation Merit Badge
On Saturday, August 19, 2012, a group of nine Boy Scouts from Brodhead Troop 108 ad Beloit troop 608 spent the day at the Brodhead Airport with EAA Chapter 431 members receiving training for the Boy Scout Aviation Merit Badge.

Nine Boy Scouts earned their Aviation Merit Badge with the help of EAA Chapter 431. Chapter members Bill Weber (far left) and Brian Law (far right) are shown with the scouts.
After several hours of classroom instruction, the scouts got some hands-on training on several airplanes learning mechanical systems, pre-flight procedures and finally, a ride in a Cessna 172. All nine scouts surpassed the requirements for the day and earned their Aviation Merit Badges. Congratulations!
Thanks to chapter members Brian Law (classroom instruction), Bill Weber (Aeronca Champ), Ben Johnson (Cessna 172), Matt Smith (Cessna 180), Mike Weeden (pilot and ground school instruction), Mike Williams (Stearman C3B), Sue Faville and Bob Pokorney.